Immunization rewards
- Dell Children's Health Plan
- Immunization rewards
Enter to win an iPad!
Your child’s health is very important to Dell Children’s Health Plan! Schedule a visit with their doctor to get them caught up on their immunizations and you can enter a drawing to win one of three Apple iPads.
Vaccines can prevent common diseases that used to harm and even kill infants, children, and adults. Without vaccines, your child is at risk of becoming seriously ill or even dying from childhood diseases such as measles and whooping cough. Vaccines help the immune system learn how to defend against germs.

Winners of the drawing will receive one of the three Apple iPads available!
How to participate
Schedule an appointment with your child’s doctor before their 2nd or 13th birthday and get them fully caught up on their immunizations. After the appointment, please fill out the attached form to enter by Friday, January 17, 2025.
We will reach out via phone and/or email if you are selected as a winner! Please make sure you give us the correct phone number and email address.
Children with a 2nd birthday between 11/7/2024 and 12/31/2024 that have not received all of their needed vaccines and children with a 13th birthday between 11/7/2024 and 12/31/2024 that have not received the full series of vaccines.
Members must receive all their needed vaccines before their 2nd birthday OR must receive all vaccines in the Immunizations for Adolescents series before their 13th birthday to be entered to win.
The form must be completed by Friday, January 17, 2025 to be included in the drawing.
Are vaccines safe?
Yes. Vaccines are very safe. The United States’ long-standing vaccine safety system ensures that vaccines are as safe as possible. Currently, the United States has the safest vaccine supply in its history. Millions of children safely receive vaccines each year. The most common side effects are very mild, such as pain or swelling at the injection site.
What are the risks and benefits of vaccines?
Vaccines can prevent infectious diseases that once killed or harmed many infants, children, and adults. Without vaccines, your child is at risk for getting seriously ill and suffering pain, disability, and even death from diseases like measles and whooping cough.
The main risks associated with getting vaccines are side effects, which are almost always mild (redness and swelling at the injection site) and go away within a few days. Serious side effects after vaccination, such as a severe allergic reaction, are very rare and doctors and clinic staff are trained to deal with them.
The disease-prevention benefits of getting vaccines are much greater than the possible side effects for almost all children. The only exceptions to this are cases in which a child has a serious chronic medical condition like cancer or a disease that weakens the immune system or has had a severe allergic reaction to a previous vaccine dose.
Is there a link between autism and vaccines?
No. Scientific studies and reviews continue to show no relationship between vaccines and autism. Please see the CDC vaccine safety website for more information on autism and vaccines.
What are common side effects of vaccines?
Vaccines, like any medication, may cause some side effects. Most of these side effects are very minor, like soreness where the shot was given, fussiness, or a low-grade fever. These side effects typically only last a couple of days and are treatable. For example, you can apply a cool, wet washcloth on the sore area to ease discomfort.
Can vaccines overload my baby’s immune system?
Vaccines do not overload the immune system. Every day, a healthy baby’s immune system successfully fights off thousands of germs. Antigens are parts of germs that cause the body’s immune system to go to work to build antibodies, which fight off diseases.
The antigens in vaccines come from the germs themselves, but the germs are weakened or killed so they cannot cause serious illness. Even if babies receive several vaccinations in one day, vaccines contain only a tiny fraction of the antigens they encounter every day in their environment. Vaccines give your child the antibodies they need to fight off serious vaccine-preventable diseases.
Why do vaccines start so early?
The recommended schedule protects infants and children by providing protection early in life, before they come into contact with life-threatening diseases. Children receive vaccinations early because they are susceptible to diseases at a young age.
Should my child get shots if she is sick?
Talk with your child’s doctor, but children can usually get vaccinated even if they have a mild illness like a cold, earache, mild fever, or diarrhea. If the doctor says it is okay, your child can still get vaccinated.
Should I delay some vaccines or follow a non-standard schedule?
Children do not receive any known benefits from following schedules that delay vaccines. Infants and young children who follow immunization schedules that spread out or leave out shots are at risk of developing diseases during the time you delay their shots.
Why can’t I delay some vaccines if I’m planning to get them all eventually?
Young children have the highest risk of having a serious case of disease that could cause hospitalization or death. Delaying or spreading out vaccine doses leaves your child unprotected when they need vaccine protection the most. For example, diseases such as Hib or pneumococcus almost always occur in the first 2 years of a baby’s life. And some diseases, like hepatitis B and whooping cough (pertussis), are more serious when babies get them.
If I’m breastfeeding, do I vaccinate my baby on schedule?
Yes, even breastfed babies need to be protected with vaccines at the recommended ages. The immune system is not fully developed at birth, which puts newborns at greater risk for infections.
Breast milk provides important protection from some infections as your baby’s immune system is developing. For example, babies who are breastfed have a lower risk of ear infections, respiratory tract infections, and diarrhea. However, breast milk does not protect children against all diseases. Even in breastfed infants, vaccines are the most effective way to prevent many diseases. Your baby needs long-term protection that can only come from following CDC’s recommended schedule.
Can I wait to vaccinate my baby since he isn’t in childcare?
No, even young children who are cared for at home can be exposed to vaccine preventable diseases, so they need to get all their vaccines at the recommended ages. Children can catch these illnesses from any number of people or places, including from parents, brothers or sisters, visitors to their home, on playgrounds or even at the grocery store. Regardless of whether your baby is cared for outside the home, your baby comes in contact with people throughout the day, some of whom may have a vaccine-preventable disease.
Many of these diseases can be especially dangerous to young children, so it is safest to vaccinate your child at the recommended ages.
Can I wait until my child attends school to catch up on immunizations?
No. Before entering school, young children can be exposed to vaccine-preventable diseases. Children under age 5 are especially susceptible to diseases because their immune systems have not built up the necessary defenses to fight infection.
Why are multiple doses needed for each vaccine?
Getting every recommended dose of each vaccine provides your child with the best protection possible. Depending on the vaccine, your child will need more than one dose to build high enough immunity to help prevent disease or to boost immunity that fades over time. Your child may also receive more than one dose to make sure they are protected if they did not get immunity from a first dose, or to protect them against germs that change over time, like flu. Every dose is important because each protects against an infectious disease that can be especially serious for infants and very young children.
Do infants have natural immunity?
Babies may get some temporary protection from mom during the last few weeks of pregnancy, but only for diseases to which mom is immune. Breastfeeding may also protect your baby temporarily from minor infections, like colds. These antibodies do not last long, leaving your baby vulnerable to disease.
Haven’t we gotten rid of most of these diseases in this country?
Some vaccine-preventable diseases, like pertussis (whooping cough) and chickenpox, remain common in the United States. On the other hand, other diseases vaccines prevent are no longer common in this country because of vaccines. If we stopped vaccinating, the few cases we have in the United States could very quickly become tens or hundreds of thousands of cases. Even though many serious vaccine-preventable diseases are uncommon in the United States, some are common in other parts of the world. Even if your family does not travel internationally, you could come into contact with international travelers anywhere in your community. Children who don’t receive all vaccinations and are exposed to a disease can become seriously sick and spread it through a community.
Read about the vaccines your child is getting
- Read vaccine materials you received from your child’s healthcare professional and write down any questions you may have.
- Get a list of vaccines your child may need; use this quick vaccine assessment tool.
- Learn more about the benefits and risks of the vaccines that your child will receive by reviewing the Vaccine Information Statements. You can also request Vaccine Information Statements at the doctor’s office.
- Find your child’s personal immunization record and bring it to your appointment. An up-to-date record tells your doctor exactly what shots your child has already received.
Be ready to support your child during the vaccine visit
Pack your child’s favorite toy, book, or blanket to comfort him or her during vaccinations.
At the doctor’s office
If you have questions about vaccination, ask your child’s doctor or healthcare professional. Your child’s doctor will give you Vaccine Information Statements for the vaccines that your child will be getting that day. Vaccine Information Statements include information about the risks and benefits of each vaccine. If your doctor doesn’t give you one, you can request one.
Need a new Primary Care Provider for your child?
When you enrolled in Dell Children’s Health Plan, you should have picked a primary care provider in our plan. If you didn’t, we assigned you one who should be located close to you. Your primary care provider’s name and phone number are printed on your Dell Children’s Health Plan ID card.
If you would like to choose a new Primary Care Provider for your child, please reach out to Member Services at 1-855-921-6284 (TTY 7-1-1).
Make shots easier on your child
A comforting tone or touch can help make vaccines easier on babies. For babies and younger children:
- Distract and comfort your child by cuddling, singing, or talking softly.
- Smile and make eye contact with your child. Let your child know that everything is ok.
- Comfort your child with a favorite toy or book. A blanket that smells familiar will help your child feel more comfortable. Hold your child firmly on your lap, whenever possible.
Once your child has received all of the shots, be especially supportive
Hold and cuddle your child. A soothing voice, combined with praise and hugs will help reassure the child that everything is okay.
Additionally, babies can be soothed through swaddling, skin-to-skin contact, and breastfeeding. If older than 6 months, babies can also be given a beverage.
Sometimes children experience mild reactions from shots, such as pain at the injection site, a rash or a fever. These reactions are normal and will soon go away.
These tips will help you identify and minimize mild side effects:
- Read the Vaccine Information Sheet(s) your child’s doctor gave you to learn about side effects your child may experience. Use a cool, damp cloth to help reduce redness, soreness and/or swelling at the place where the shot was given.
- Reduce fever with a lukewarm water sponge bath.
- Offer liquids more often. It is normal for some children to eat less during the 24 hours after getting vaccines.
- Ask your child’s doctor if you can give your child a non-aspirin pain reliever.
*Pay extra attention to your child for a few days. If you see something that concerns you, call your child’s doctor.
Why you need your child’s vaccine records
It is important to keep your child’s vaccination records (the history of which vaccines they received) up to date and in a safe place. Without documentation, your child might not be allowed to attend school, play sports, or travel abroad. Your child may need their vaccination records later as adults for certain occupations.
School and childcare
Vaccine requirements for schools or childcare facilities are different in each state. Talk to your school system or childcare facility to learn about the requirements where you live.
Extracurricular activities and teams
Some athletic programs, sports teams, summer camps or other activities require physical examinations and vaccinations. Talk to your child’s athletic department or program to learn the requirements.
Saving your child’s vaccination records
It’s important to keep your child’s vaccination records safe and updated. Schools, summer camps, athletic teams, college, international travel, and more may require vaccination records.
Storing your child’s records
Keep your child’s vaccination records in a safe place where you can easily find them. Some people keep their child’s records with other important documents, such as birth certificates and passports.
Updating your child’s records
Bring your child’s vaccine record to each doctor visit and ask the doctor or nurse to write down the vaccine, date, and dosage. It’s also helpful to write down the name of the doctor’s office or clinic where your child got the shot, so you know where to get the official records from if you misplace the record.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)